Our Values

Our Values

At The Rock our values are measured by the integrity, sincerity, and passion of our people as we grow in our relationship with God and each other.

Honoring God
in Life

We believe in honoring Yahweh God and each other in every aspect of our lives.

Love Through

We believe in loving others while not ignoring truths that instill life and change, which, ultimately, is love.


We believe in making a difference in our community through outreach and intercession.

Global Ministry

We believe in providing support for other ministries around the world that are doing what we could not without them.

God’s Family

We believe in family and the family structure that God ordained in the beginning when He created Adam and Eve.

Journey of

We believe in healing and restoration, and that both of these, while sometimes immediate, often are a journey.

Faith in

We believe in a Heavenly Father who sent His son Jesus Christ to redeem man, and through the Holy Spirit, we learn and grow up in Him.


We believe in relationships within the church and that through them we become accountable to one another and Yahweh.


We believe in excellence in every area of our lives and ministry, and there is no place for compromise that dishonors God.