Yahweh Isn't Hiding
"Then you will seek Me, inquire for, and require Me [as a vital necessity] and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13
Today, I invite you into a simple and powerful moment. I don’t know if you’re reading this at the beginning, middle, or end of your day – but whenever now is – I ask you to do this. Separate yourself from your circumstances, and I don’t mean that it has to have been a hard day in a hard season, because even if it’s been a great day in a great season – the circumstances of “good” or “bad” don’t define Yahweh or your relationship with Him. Just take a moment to quiet all of that. No social media or TV or game. No dinner to make or thing to do. Give Him your full attention, and you’ll see that His attention is on you. There’s a song that we sing with these wise words: I am not waiting on You; You’ve been waiting on me.
Give Him a chance to show you His face today. Not yesterday’s or tomorrow’s face, but the one belonging to right now. In that gaze is wonder and refreshment. This verse is Yahweh Himself saying to seek Him with your heart, to ask about Him, to require Him in your life as necessary, and you will find Him. He isn’t hiding. What an invitation and what a promise! Receive from Him today!