Worship in Spirit and in Truth

July 31, 2024 12:00 AM

But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”John 4:23-24 

I am reminded today of the honor that it is to worship the One, True, Living God. Have you ever considered? We know His name, Yahweh. We have are given full and complete access to Him, day or night, any time, any hour. We can speak and commune with Him, directly. There is no middle man, we don’t have to have someone speak to Him for us because He is a far off God who only a few can communicate with. We can dialog with Him in the car, at home, on our lunch break, in the shower! We literally have all access to the Creator of heaven and earth, the One who put breath in our lungs, and His very DNA flows through our veins… and that is just the beginning. That is still standing in the doorway.

We have the opportunity as sons to worship Him, in Spirit and in Truth. How do we do it? Align with Him. We don’t have to wait for the music to play on Sunday morning, or the pray when someone tells us it’s time. We don’t have to be told to open our bible or listen to it audibly. Worship doesn’t only happen in the Holy of Holies, it happens in the outer court and it happens outside the walls.

We have the opportunity to worship our God and Father sitting in a restaurant and treating the waitress well and with our conversation at the table. We have the ability to worship at work by being a demonstration of excellence, and not participating in activities or dialog that don’t glorify the Father. Better yet, change the direction of the activities and conversation TO glorify the Father. In our homes, we can worship by sitting with our family and talking about His goodness, being mindful of what we watch on tv, and working together around the houseand serving one another. It is worship when we honor Yahweh God in extra-curricular activities as well, whatever they may be. It is worshipping Him in Truth to give your yes, and to give your no when it will cause compromise in the seen and unseen.

Every moment, every minute, and with every breath there is a chance to worship the Living God. Let’s worship Him all week long, and then let our gatherings be a continuation of the life we are TRULY LIVING, in worship and in truth.