Will We Enter In?
November 12, 2023 12:00 AM
Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning. Proverbs 9:9Recently our visionary, Steve, was teaching on sonship, and the rise of sons. My daughter and I had a great conversation about a statement he made that I think bears deep consideration. I encourage you to go back and listen to the message, “The Rise of Sons”. “The choice is not about whether we should listen, but about whether we enter in….” We must remember, we are a chosen people, a chosen generation. Yahweh has saved the best DNA for this time (for lack of a better word), this moment. There IS a need in the earth today for the sons to rise and to do what has never been done. We must remember that we were hand selected for this day and hour. There is a call for a standard of honor. There is a call for those who will teach as they learn and learn as they teach. There is a call for those who will be immovable yet flexible, who will be planted yet fluid or maybe it is fluidly planted…… May the heart cry of every man, woman, and child be, “Teach me Your ways….” (Psalm 86:11) that we may grow in learning, increase in wisdom to the glory of the Father and demonstrate His glory in the earth. There is honor in both directions to being one who is teachable, to being one who will mature. In our maturity the Kingdom expands that much more. Our choices today affect not only the generation that follows but generation after generation after generation. We, as sons, have a choice right here and right now to choose. We should never view listening to His voice as optional. So today, will you give your resounding yes? When you hear His voice will you step through the door?