Who Holds the Church Accountable

March 23, 2023 2:15 PM

Who holds the Church accountable?

Recently, I’ve been reflecting on the Church and our role in the world. It has become a common trend to see people attacking Christianity and challenging the statutes by which we live our lives. Many individuals, as well as congregations, have began to cater to society’s view of morality and righteousness. In order to attract more people to a congregation or not be canceled by peers, Christians have changed their stances, boundaries, and beliefs on what it means to honor God. “It’s 2023, get with the times” “Don’t be a bigot” “Aren’t you supposed to love people?” These are all phrases that we have heard. What I see happening is the Church has let the world become its accountability partner. The role of an accountability partner is to help someone else progress toward a desired goal and hold them accountable to the commitments they made. A Church’s accountability should come from other Spirit filled Churches around them. I’m not just talking about buildings but I mean the Churches that are each individual Son and Daughter of Yahweh God. When we let our counsel come from those who don’t have the same goals as us, didn’t make the same commitments as us, and don’t have their eyes open for the truth, they will not hold us accountable to the will of God but pull us away from His heart’s desire. We are called to be a light to nations, pillars of truth, and responsible to spread the Gospel. We trust in the Father to change hearts and we should lean on one another for counsel and correction. Being challenged by one another is iron sharpening iron and when correction is necessary, it will be made. My encouragement to to my brothers and sisters is to lean on pillars of truth and take your counsel from those striving to honor Yahweh, not those who seek to honor the world.