To Whom I Belong
July 5, 2022 12:00 AM
Have you ever woken up with words in your head and you just have to find out what they are from? I had that happen the other day and could have sworn it was from a bible verse, but I was wrong. Well, at least wrong in the sense that they did not come from what we call the Holy Bible. They were in fact inspired words from the Father that came out of our house. “I will focus my eyes on the One to whom I belong . . .” This line kept playing over and over in my head, and I began to set myself again to focus, not just on Him but on what He is calling me to focus on, each and every day.
He has called me His, and if I truly desire to be His, and to be in Him, then I must always be aware of what He is focused on and that I am focused on it too. Where has your focus been? I encourage you to do a quick self check and make sure that you and the Father are focusing on the same thing. Only with that accomplished, can we truly fulfill our purpose in each day.