
July 5, 2023 12:00 AM
Recently Holy Spirit reminded me, “The right thing at the wrong time is wrong.” I had been working to build something, according to His word to me, and after Sam Shoaff’s message this past Sunday, the fire I invited burnt it to a crisp! I questioned myself. Did I not follow the word correctly? Did I miss a step? I was very concerned that the burnt offering I had been gathering was a mistake, one that I had been working very hard on with the best of intentions! Holy Spirit immediately said to me, “The right thing at the wrong time is wrong.” I found peace in that! It’s not that I did anything wrong, it’s that Yahweh’s timing is the right timing and His timeline is not linear! When it was the right time on Saturday, on Sunday it was wrong. My responsibility as a Son and as a Leader is to align with Yahweh’s time. I invited the fire, gathered what remained from the ashes, and now will build again according to the now-word. It’s important to look and listen for the now-word and not get your feelings hurt when the last word didn’t end up looking like or feeling like what you thought it would. So, as you start your day today, I encourage you! You may be doing the “right thing,” but when Yahweh’s timing changes, what was the right thing becomes the wrong thing because it is the wrong time. Don’t be offended! Dust off the ashes and carry on with remains. He will not lead you astray!