Time With Him

April 25, 2024 12:00 AM
But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called "today", that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. Heb. 3:13 (ESV)
When does your day start? Are you bound by your own routines and rituals, that when you miss a day or two, you feel guilty because it just didn't "start" the way you thought? How many of you are reading this message "out of sequence", or catching up, so as to not miss your own personal challenge for the day?
I've been in the transportation business for over 30 years and I could tell you that my day started differently almost EVERY day. I have begun my work day at every hour in 24 hours for most of my career. I rarely thought that my "start" of the day could be a hindrance or even disobedience because it wasn't always the same. But where I fell short of meeting those daily obligations, was when I had days off of work and wanted to also have the day off of the obligations.
  People used to ask me; When do you find the time to pray or spend a moment with the Father when you're driving all the time? I just said my prayer "closet" had 18 wheels, how many do yours have? Remember, Christ taught us HOW to pray, not when. We put that restraint on ourselves, almost everyday.
So TODAY, when you are out and about, don't miss that moment He presents to you to minister to Him or someone else. Not everyone will "start the day" the same way OR at the same time, but that doesn't mean you are missing anything Yahweh has for you! Hey, today I start work at 18:45(6:45pm for you non-military types) and get done at 2 in the morning. Some of the best moments with the Father for me, are when most of you are still sleeping. Go start your day and hear His voice all you sons and daughters of Yahweh!