The Upright Son
March 7, 2022 12:00 AM
How important is the posture we take? Imperative!
Recently, I witnessed a young man demonstrate the difference between a casual, almost lazy stride and a purposed, intention-filled walk. His demonstration was powerful as his walk went from meandering to confident, and haphazard to focused. As I watched, I could see the authority that was taken when his posture changed. No longer was he aimless, but he was focused and sure, he was on a mission. There was a determination in the way he squared his shoulders, lifted his head, and set his feet. He was immovable, and the following verse helps us understand why.
“He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; He is a shield to those who walk in integrity,” Proverbs 2:7 ESV
When we make the choice to walk upright, recognizing that we were sent into this earth to bring honor and glory to the Father, and our heart becomes set on fulfilling His will for each moment, Psalm 37 tells us our steps are ordered! We can take each step in full confidence that we will have what we need for each moment; and that if our walk is one of integrity, He is our ever-present shield regardless of circumstance. We never have need to fear nor do we ever have reason to parade around aimlessly.
Posture is defined as, “… the way you may hold your body in a position, or your attitude or approach to dealing with something.” It is important that our posture reflects the Father’s in all situations. As I watched this man, I witnessed what it means to be truly “Upright” that day.
“For the LORD is righteous, He loves justice; the upright will see His face.” Psalm 11:7 NIV
That is a promise! If your walk is upright, keep going! But, if your walk has been casual, meandering, or even haphazard- be encouraged today. Shift, change, lift up your head, square your shoulders, and set your gaze on His face. Let your walk becomes one that is saturated with His intent, every day. Set your steps as a son who is confident in the One who has ordered your steps. Demonstrate your trust in the Father’s righteousness and justice by walking with overflowing integrity. When you change your posture, a shift WILL take place that will affect you as well as those around you.