The Railway

November 3, 2022 12:00 AM
Recently I had the joy of having a girl’s day with my daughters. We wanted to do something we have never done so we decided to hop on the Sunrail and take the train down to Winter Park for the afternoon. Besides being quick and easy, and so much fun it is a valuable mode of transport in our community. Instead of getting in the car and driving down I-4 like we have always done, and looking for parking and possibly driving in circles for a good half hour (like we have always done), we expanded our vision to try an incredible asset that has been given for any who are willing. The railway has been built to go through various points in our beautiful city and many stops are right in the heart of downtown areas close to points of interest, shopping, parks, and restaurants. I saw this railway as such a gift and so multifaceted. The railway in Central FL was built to open ways for new industries, expand tourism, and allowed for swift development in commercial areas as well as residential. It was a channel for growth and expanse by those with the vision and witty ideas to make it happen. It offered opportunity and opened doors to places that may have otherwise been overlooked or disregarded due to distance and the time it would take to access it. As we traveled on the railway we didn’t speak, but rather looked through the oversized windows, and marveled at engineering of a train traveling over the rails that were designed to keep the train on track and guide it to its many destinations. Because of the railway, never does the train veer off course or turn to the left or the right. It was taking us through parts of our city that we have never seen before because we utilized something we never had before. We heard sounds that we would not normally hear as we traveled, the sound of the horns and announcements at each station, the buzz of people entering and exiting the train. It is a straight shot between multiple cities that bypasses traffic, stop lights, and congestion of many roadways we would normally take to get where we were going.
“…in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:6
So I say to you, pay attention to the new ways and straight paths that are opening to you. Do not limit yourself by thinking there is only one way to do something, that is black and white thinking. Pay attention to the voice of Holy Ghost as He gives you access to transport to move and flow. Pay attention to what the Father is giving you access to and how He wants to get you there. Utilize what He has given to you. He may be leading you over or under, in a different vehicle or a different mode of transport altogether.