The Lord is Gracious
October 1, 2022 12:00 AM
“He has caused His wondrous works to be remembered. The Lord is gracious and merciful.” Psalm 111:4As I write this, Hurricane Ian is continuing through Florida. Most of you reading this probably spent a vigilant watch over your loved ones and property and have a story to tell. Maybe some well-meaning friend out of state told you they were praying for the storm to move out to sea and not touch land at all. I considered that there are times to discern how to lift our voice over the land, to know if it should be in welcome or rebuke. Steve recently taught us that when Christ rescued the disciples from the storm, He was frustrated by their lack of faith. He had to command external peace in order for them to find their internal comfort. I am reminded the storm can be FOR us, sent to be part of our testimony. Ian means “The Lord is gracious.” Yahweh’s character is gracious not petty. He sends a storm (literally or figuratively) to produce resourcefulness, wisdom, experience, faith, closer bonds, generosity, refreshing rain, and necessary destruction. As the verse says, let those wondrous works be remembered! As you survey what follows Ian, be in wonder of our God. Remember that through the storm, He is gracious and merciful. Remember He is to be worshipped, He who created the wind and rain. Fear not! Remember His goodness and grace.