The Clay

March 5, 2024 12:00 AM
Yet you, LORD, are our Father.
We are the clay, you are the potter;
we are all the work of your hand. (Isaiah 64:8 NIV)
This past Sunday, Steve referenced being the clay and I made a note in my phone.  I did not want to forget this comment, even though it was not the main topic of the teaching.  I have been considering what that means for me in my life.  As the psalmist is sharing in this verse I am very stirred.  I urge you to consider.  Is Yahweh your Father?  If so, then have you positioned yourself to be the clay and allow him to be the potter?  You are created for a unique purpose and you are a beautiful work by Yahweh’s hand.  Often times Steve will invite us to put our hand on ourselves and repeat after him.  Today, I invite you to put your hand on yourself and repeat this verse in a personal way: Yahweh, You are My Father.  I am the clay, you are the potter; I am the work of your hand. As you begin your day, repeat this over and over.  Let it begin to stir and speak to you!  Have an amazing day!