The Character of Yahweh

July 12, 2023 12:00 AM
Do you know the character and nature of  Yahweh? How long has it been since you asked the deeper questions, searched out His heart or considered the mysteries laid out before you? I want to encourage you to not settle into a routine where you continue in the path that you always have or engage Him in the same way over and over because it’s what you have always known. Yahweh is calling us to a deeper place, where you can know and understand the vast and infinite nature of who He is. Yes He loves you and Yes He is for you, but maybe it’s time to consider that the God of eternity and limitless possibilities has more about Him to discover and engage with than what you’ve been giving Him credit for. Open your heart and mind to new revelations, new waters, new words, new winds, new vaults and new mountains. He created heaven, the host of heaven, the earth and every single thing you know and don’t know. He is BIG! He is GLORIOUS! He wants you to come to know Him in a new way. Where all pre-conceived notions of what you have learned in the past fall away in the brightness and glory of the Creator. The God of the everlasting, the Alpha and Omega is inviting you in to know Him in a way that is supernatural. It is a place of Original Intent. Don’t limit Yahweh by getting stuck in a routine; seek, ask and knock. There are places to be explored, revelations to be discovered and doors to be opened to the mature sons. What a mighty, holy, worthy God we get to serve. Honor Him with your wonder and intent. Get to know his character, His true character, not just what you’ve always known or been taught.