November 25, 2023 12:00 AM
One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. Psalm 145:4 (ESV)
It has been a true honor for my wife and I to serve alongside our children and grandchildren here at The Rock. The value of generational teaching and walking in the Kingdom as a family is indescribable to me. When we first got married 43 and a half years ago, we decided to "change the family tree" from this time forward. Our family tree, up until this point, was full of brokenness and divorce in both mine and my wife's history. We didn't know about Kingdom living or what it exactly entailed, but we knew that we couldn't continue along that same path of destruction that both of us grew up in.
Our family is now third generational from that 1980 timeline to today and I want to encourage those who are new in the house, and those who are growing young families, that it is not too late to change that family tree. We desire to encourage the value of generations in the Kingdom of Christ to all who will receive the fantastic news of grace extended toward families. You do not have to continue in past mistakes of others related to you, but today you can choose to change the outcome of your family tree! There will be nothing greater in the Kingdom as to when you look back a few decades from now and see what the LORD has done for you and your family by simply making the decision to hear and obey the voice of Yahweh!
Shema!! To The King!!