Reflection of Honor
October 28, 2022 12:00 AM
"Honor spill from my bones. Build up, build up…” excerpt from “Reflection” by Kaley Hoffman and Stephanie Bosch.
It’s been quite a week so far leading up to The Rock’s 23rd Anniversary Celebration. I’ve learned this week that honor itself is “fluid” and flows from the honoring one to the honored. But, it doesn’t stop there. To be honored one time would be impossible, because once you’ve “spilled” it out on someone, it keeps flowing and increasing with the full backing of heaven and Yahweh Himself. Honor comes from a deep place and is ever expanding. I’ve seen it multiply and bless over and over with the power of Holy Spirit on a favored people and land. You simply cannot honor without being saturated yourself with the pure anointing of a loving Father to His sons.
There is no offense, no coveting, and no greed accompanying pure honor. You can’t “take it back” once you’ve poured it out, but why would you? Honor is an all encompassing, all inspiring, and all inclusive joy that permeates the mind, will and emotions of your being. Soak it in as you honor those around you, and see Yahweh’s outpouring of this most perfect gift.