Receiving the Assignment

May 11, 2022 6:37 AM

As we recently learned, the gospel is alive and well, living in you and me. It is not in the past, but is living in us, today.

“And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Mark 16:15 NASB

This was the instruction given by Jesus Christ to the eleven disciples after His resurrection, and right before His ascension, but what did this instruction really mean? What was He telling them to do exactly?

He wasn’t telling them to go and preach from the scriptures alone, quoting the prophets, and reciting the laws. No, He was telling them to go into all the world and tell of what they had seen, witnessed, and encountered, and to tell all of creation of the relationship now available through the resurrected Son of Yahweh God. He was giving them an assignment to make known the imperishable, sacred proclamation of everlasting salvation.

The power of their declaration in the earth was of a personal testimony. They went forth and shared of what they witnessed with their own eyes, not a story handed down from a friend of a friend. They walked with the Messiah every day, saw the wonders, they witnessed His life, and His death, and then His resurrection. They shared with everyone what they personally experienced, and their own intimate encounters with the Father, and Holy Ghost, and the work done in their own lives. When they spoke, it was of cherished moments and times, and of who they knew their heavenly Father to be through relationship. They recognized the assignment presented and I believe they shared the gospel that was alive and well within them from the rising of the sun until its going down, every day.

Receive the assignment! When the assignment comes lay hold of it. Recognize the opportunity to share what Yahweh has done in you and for you. Speak of your personal, eternal salvation. Tell of your healings and recoveries, mention the miracles that He has done for you, share of the pathway of life He has led you upon. Let the goodness of His faithfulness be a roar that cannot be silenced.