Our Story of Growth
July 8, 2022 12:00 AM
"Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for my soul." Psalm 66:16Imagine being in a place where there is no growth or maturity. We are not meant to be in the same place or the same person that we were last year, last month, last week, or even yesterday. Each day we are walking through growth and maturity, by the choices that we make, which in turn results in change. I believe that this is all part of what defines you as a person. Are you going to be a person that is stagnant, and refuses change or are you going to be the person who embraces change and allows for growth and maturity in yourself? Change can certainly be uncomfortable, but it is also necessary whether we like or not. However, change can also be a beautiful thing when we least expect it and with that change, well, we get wonderful changes in ourselves and the environment around us. Yahweh allows circumstances to come and go in our lives so that we can see Him solve them and we can grow in grace and increase in maturity. Our story of growth becomes part of our testimony of what Yahweh has brought us up and out of. You see, I believe the things that we have gone through, whether they are our choice or not, leads us to the person that we become and are becoming. Change is mandatory for there to be growth and maturity in Yahweh. No matter what Yahweh has us walking out, comfortable, or uncomfortable, we need to trust in Him and the process. Your testimony is so important. It is your story of becoming the person Yahweh created with purpose and intent. Your testimony is not to be kept to yourself, but rather to share with those who need to hear the story that Yahweh has written about you. Never underestimate the power of your testimony!