Newness As A Son

February 8, 2024 11:03 PM
Isaiah 43:18-19 (ESV) 18 Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. 19 Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
The other day, I had the privilege to consider a personal toxic trait that has hindered me and, at times, harmed me and those I love and care for. I had to be open and honest with myself as I discussed this unfavorable characteristic that has limited my potential and affected those around me. This trait is not obvious, but it was fed and grew over the years due to challenging surroundings. So, as you read this, instead of trying to figure out what my trait was, consider your own life. Is there something you do, consciously or subconsciously, that has a negative impact on your life and those around you? Do you respond in anger? When offended, do you run and blame others? Do you lack self-confidence? Is it hard to trust? Do you procrastinate? Do you feel sorry for yourself? Do you feel unworthy, or do you never measure up? Are you defined by your accomplishments? And the list goes on. But each of these can impact you, but it does not have to anymore. As Yahweh reminds us in Isaiah 43, He is doing a new thing in us, and former things are passing away. Those aspects from our past no longer define us, for we are new creatures through Christ and are now sons! So, as you start your day, consider your own life and do a self-evaluation. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal those areas that need to be removed and embolden those attributes that bring life. Be humble, be open, and be willing to hear and embrace the new as you face and overcome the old. As a son, you are no longer bound to the old traits or behaviors but have new opportunities for newness!!!