My Scars
November 11, 2022 12:00 AM
"Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen."Have you ever been faced with a situation that seems impossible? Have you ever felt undone or not capable of doing the task that is before you? Have you ever failed at anything in your life that you wish you could make right? Most of us, if not all of us, can relate to one or more of the questions asked. We all have had a moment/s that we wished we could do better. Even those things in our past - so for gone - which have left unforgettable mark on us can be made right, too. How? I will tell you. First and most importantly, we serve a God who is without a time frame and in his image and likeness we have been created. That means, outside of the flesh, we are eternal too. You have to understand that the failures, hurts, and disappointments of our past currently affect us because of the scar it has left behind. No, we will not be able to change the event, but we are able to change the affect. Think about this…if it did not scar you the way it did would it even matter? How much of it would you ever remember? I know that it is difficult to just think about the scar and the events that led to it or them, but that is the point. It is a very difficult point, but it is the truth. Think about it in this way: every wonderful thing that has ever happen to you has caused you to be uninhibited within that part of who you are. Things that come naturally to you without any hesitation have been learned without a scar. Others will hold back, in the same situation, because they have been scarred. So, here is where the eternal comes in - Yahweh is not limited to our time frame. It does not matter to Him how far back our scars were created because He was there then, and He is here now, and He will be eternally. Yahweh’s ability to carry our burdens or heal our wounds does not end because the wound has healed and scarred, nor is He limited to removing the pain that comes only in a memory. Jude says, “NOW unto him…able to present you faultless…!” To himself gladly! This includes the present scars and pains of the past. This is how we change the outcome of the past. We recognize NOW, the God that was with us then! Allow His grace and love the make us faultless before his presence.