Moving Like The Wind

April 16, 2024 12:00 AM

I have been considering two things these past couple weeks. The first came out of a teaching at The Rock by Kaleigh Shoaff. At the end of teaching, she began to sing a well-known line from a song about the four winds. This prompted me to go deeper into what those winds are.

And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting.” Acts 2:2

Likewise, a question was asked just this week about what we think when we hear the words, “Holy Spirit.” Holy Spirit is the helper and a friend, given as a gift to those that receive Yahshua the Christ.

And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” John 20:22

We know that the wind blows where it wishes, and we often do not know from where it comes or where it goes and “so it is of everyone born by the spirit.” (John 3:8) Why is it that everyone born of the spirit is likened to the wind? Because when we are born of the spirit, we are His breath, we move as Yahweh God moves, and we are of the same Spirit, He abides in us and we in Him. It does not matter if it makes sense to the natural mind, or if it is the way it has always been done or if it is something brand new.

A reminder: In Hebrew, wind, breath, and spirit are the same word- ruach. There is no difference or separation between them. They are one in the same in Hebrew context.

My encouragement today is this, remember who abides in you, and in whom you abide. Ruach in within you, His breath, the same wind that He sent to fill the entire house is in YOU. The same breath that Yahshua the Christ breathed out is the same breath that is within YOU. The same Spirit that moves so freely, and rushes in mightily, and moves as Yahweh Almighty is IN YOU.