Let Your Cup Overflow
September 13, 2022 12:00 AM
“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” Psalm 23:5Recently I heard two amazing testimonies in our house. One woman was with her newborn in the hospital for an entire week, while he was receiving treatment. I felt so sorry for her! I reached out to check on her and she told me how Yahweh had used her overflow to meet the needs of another mommy that was in the NICU with her baby. She was the supply and able to give her 60 ounces of breastmilk from her abundance! Not only that, but she encouraged this mommy to keep trying and gave her suggestions on how to increase her supply. She later received a great report that she was successful. How amazing!! Sometimes we need to change our perspective from being the “victim” of a situation to a son being “sent” into a situation. We have the answer! Days later I was speaking with another lady from our house that had been in a Target line and witnessed a family’s credit card being denied. She felt so bad for them as they walked away without the items they needed. As she approached the register, she saw the items left behind were baby food. She asked the attendant what the cost was and paid for them without hesitation. She recognized the moment and that she had been assigned to supply a need for this family. When she gave the bag to the family, they were overwhelmed and extremely thankful! All honor and glory to Yahweh. Use today to look for your opportunities to meet the needs of others. If you are in a difficult circumstance, don’t see yourself as the victim! Instead, look around. Perhaps you have been sent there with an abundant supply for someone. Let your cup overflow!