Joyful Noise

May 26, 2022 12:00 AM
 Psalm 100:1 says, “Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth!”
I woke up one morning considering this verse and considered it from a different perspective. What would it take for all the earth to make a joyful noise? We would need to work together, we would need to consider one another, we would need to find harmony. I want you, as I will, to consider the joyful noise you make throughout your day. Is it too loud? Is it too soft? Is it out of tune? The Father is looking to create an amazing symphony throughout His entire creation and it starts with us. It starts with us being aware that everyone has a sound, everyone is making a noise, and they all have a place in the Kingdom of God. As people are drawn to our sound, let us not try to change the sound they come with, but rather help them find its place in the whole. Let’s all continue in making our joyful noises to the Father, but let us also consider that it is part of a much larger sound.