Instruction, Law, Teaching, Part I
“Blessed is the person who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked nor stand in the path of sinners, Nor sit in the seat of scoffers! But his delight is in the Law of the Lord, And on His Law he meditates day and night. He will be like a tree planted by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season, And its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers.” Psalm 1:1-3
Wow, this is RICH! Holy Ghost has opened a vault to those who see and listen. Psalm begins with Yahweh’s perfect instruction, law, and teaching on living an abundant life, of worship, all day, every day. To live a life of worship is to honor and glorify the Father in all we do. The blessing is not the focus, but rather the evidence of obedience and relationship.
“Blessed is the man….” The word ‘man’ in this scripture is singular rather than plural for good reason because it is the choice of each individual to choose whom they walk, talk, and sit with. We need each other, but the choice is determined by the individual. The instruction given (direction, detailed information on how, education) points to the blessing that is to come, (but our focus is to honor and glorify Him.) Here, you and I are shown the end from the beginning. Blessing…. when we honor, listen, follow Him.
Scripture is clear. Proverbs 11:14 clearly states, “ an abundance of counsel there is safety.” We are not being told not to take advice, not to walk with or follow the example of others, not to sit at a table, but rather it is warning of who, what, and where. The instruction is inarguable, to reside in the blessing, there is counsel, but not that counsel; there is a path for the son, but not that path; there is a seat for us, but not that seat. It isevident where the blessing is and where it is not- we must see, listen, and perceive His word to know the difference. Proverbs 10:17 tells us, “Whoever heeds instruction is on the path to life…”
Likewise, our responsibility is to live a life that encourages the wicked, the sinner, and the scoffer to follow our example- where to stand (the shadow of His wing) and where we sit (at the table He prepares for us.)
To be blessed (prosperous and favor in all areas of life), is evident in the lives of those who listen to His voice, walk in His ways. His precepts are the desire of the righteous son. The instruction given is to be considered, thought upon, and applied. This is a heavy verse, but full of life. Do a self-evaluation today. Heed His instruction and live a life full of overflowing, abundant blessing in every area, the seen and unseen, the revealed and the hidden.