Hurricane Ian
September 30, 2022 12:00 AM
On Tuesday, someone very close to me told me that "Ian" means Grace. That Yahweh's grace was about to sweep across our state! A hurricane doesn't look like the grace of God, but who are we to limit what the grace of God looks like? He has never failed us, and He won't start now! Olam! I look forward to the testimony that will come from what could easily be seen as tragedy! It will be up to each person to intentionally look for and see Yahweh's hand in this for their family, but He did not turn His face from you!
Power outages and flooding, we can handle! Fallen trees, we can handle! Property damage, we can handle! Today I am thanking Yahweh that we are safe and accounted for. I am thanking Yahweh that we have each other. I am thanking Yahweh that our church family is able to communicate and help each other through this.
This afternoon while driving through the flooding and debris to get back to our home, Holy Spirit whispered to me, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick..." from Proverbs 13. We can all BE hope during this time to many who are searching to find it. Our House is a House of healing! This is one of the many ways Yahweh will use us to heal the sick, to heal their hearts. We have the answer! He has not forsaken us, and His grace is here!