His Plans For His Glory
August 18, 2023 12:00 AM
But when Jesus heard it he said, “This illness does not lead to death. It is for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it.” John 11:4Healing from God comes in many ways, but they all serve to glorify Him!!! The story of Lazarus is another great reminder of this principle. Lazarus was a dear friend to Jesus, who became very ill. Lazarus’ sisters, Martha and Mary, both reached out to Jesus to come immediately and heal their brother. But Jesus had a different plan. In fact, Jesus waited two more days before He departed for Lazarus, and during this time Lazarus died of his illness. Martha and Mary were sad and disappointed. They knew Jesus could have healed their brother if Jesus would have arrived in time. They put Christ in a box, and expected Lazarus’ healing to occur a specific way; their way. But Jesus’ ways are greater than ours, and His plan are beyond ours. Jesus used this situation for a specific plan and purpose according to His will, not Mary’s or Martha’s. Thus, the miracle of Lazarus being raised from the dead brought healing to him and also glory to Yahweh. So, as you start your day, what circumstances are you facing? What healing are you asking for? Remember, Jesus sees you, and your healing has/will come. It just may come in a way you do not understand, but it is for His glory!