His Language is Limitless

November 11, 2023 12:00 AM
I was reading an article this past week and it talked about when Yahweh God speaks to us. There was a sentence that I have not stopped thinking about that stated (and I paraphrase) that the only language God has to speak to us about Himself is our own. The positive is that this sentence caused me to consider. Though in a measure I understand what the author was trying to say, after considering, I respectfully disagree because it is limiting.
For God does speak—now one way, now another— though no one perceives it. Job 33:14
The Father will speak to you in any way He so chooses, and the responsibility of the son is to allow Him to do so, to perceive it. Our “language” is limiting, and to put the Creator of the whole cosmos into a box that says He can only speak to us in our language to reveal who He is in complete fullness is to put Him in a box as well. Where is belief and faith in that? He after all is in our very DNA, the very cells of our body, the very breath in our lungs. A simplified example is a personal testimony of mine. I have come to love the Hebrew language. This is not what would be considered ‘my’ language or the language I grew up with. The Hebrew alphabet (Aleph-Bet) is an original, living language which is alphanumeric. Every letter has meaning, and purpose. The way they are spoken AND even their written form speak to their identity and function. Through practice, study, and continued maturity I have learned to identify and know this language and how He speaks through it. My understanding (perceiving) will continue to increase as I continue to learn and grow in it. This is by no means the only way He can speak to me, but rather an avenue that He is able to because I was willing to learn. Furthermore, language goes far beyond spoken words. There are multiple types of non-verbal communication. Body language, facial expression, written, artistic, and so many more. If we have the capability as human beings to communicate and express ourselves beyond spoken words how much more so does our heavenly Father? Today, consider. What if He wants to speak to you in a new way, through a new avenue? Be willing. Will you perceive when He speaks to you in any form? Be willing to hear the Father in a way you never have before. We, as sons, have been given the incredible opportunity to know Yahweh personally, intimately. Be one that He can communicate with in any language, any way, any avenue. See Him, perceive Him. Without limits.