Heir Space
August 27, 2022 12:00 AM
“Call to Me and I will answer you, and tell you (and even show you) great and mighty things, (things which have been confined and hidden), which you do not know and understand and cannot distinguish.” Jeremiah 33:3Have you ever heard of heir space? Probably not. I bet you have heard of air space! Air space is the area or atmosphere above a nation that is governed by that nation and that comes under their direct jurisdiction. Nations take their air space very seriously, and if something tries to enter their atmosphere that does not belong big trouble can happen. They recognize this and take caution to govern that area well. There is another “air space” and it is within you and me. This particular air space is defined as such: any part of the interior of an organism occupied by air. As I went a little deeper into what I was seeing Holy Ghost had me hear it differently, and then I saw it differently. I saw it as heir space, the places within you and me. The innermost places to be filled with His breath, the pneuma of God. His breath is in our lungs, our cells, our mouth, and gives life to our entire body. Naturally speaking, if any part of our body does not receive oxygen, it can be damaged, or worse, within a very short amount of time. Like every nation, we have a choice, and the authority to say what can enter into the atmosphere of this heir space. We have the authority to say what comes into it and what goes out of it, and what moves within us, and what occupies and fills us. We have been given jurisdiction over this temple that houses our soul and spirit. What fills us comes in many ways- things we view, what we listen to, words we speak, and even what we think. These things are entering into your heir space, the place that you have been given authority and jurisdiction to govern. Recognize what is entering in. Permit what is abundant in life, and full of Yahweh God. Allow His breath to fill you from head to toe. Breath in His word and exhale His word. Be faithful to seek Him out and let Him show you the deeper parts of who He is. You are a son, and an heir, and He will show you how to govern it well.