He is Here

October 12, 2023 12:00 AM

Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you. Hebrews 13:5

There is a song that Kaley Hoffman wrote years ago called Look What He’s Done for You. One stanza goes, “In the mountaintop, in the valley low, when you’re feeling good, when you’re just so-so, when you’re full of life, when you’ve lost all hope, He’s been there! He’s been there!”

This morning let’s acknowledge that our God is always there. In fact, let’s say He is always HERE. He doesn’t resign Himself to only being available when you’re full of praise and blessing or when you are crying out from the pit. He is alwayshere. His presence is not based on what you do, your circumstances, your successes, or failures.

Talk to Him. Listen for Him, meditating on what you hear with your ears and what you hear in your heart. It truly doesn’t matter what it looks like. In the most mundane place, He is available. In your car, your kitchen, your office, and your table. There is no veil. There is no limit. In this very moment, He is here!