He Hovered

November 27, 2023 12:00 AM

The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Genesis 1:2

There is opportunity for the son and the daughter of Yahweh God. These two verses hold great weight in this day.

In Genesis it states that in the beginning (the beginning of the creation that Yahweh created) the earth had no form, no shape, void, lifeless, and darkness covered the deep. To what is our natural eye, nothing could be seen. If you can for a second imagine standing in a completely pitch black room, no light, no windows, no light peeking under the door….. it was even darker.

But the waters were there, covering the earth, and that is where He hovered. The Spirit of God hovered over the deep, over the abyss, one version even says it was a raging ocean. As He hovered He breathed, and looked with anticipation. Verse two is telling us this dark place was void, and even barren. I say that there was life, though yet unseen, yet unheard, and had not yet been manifested in this realm. The earth may yet have been without life and form but in that moment there was life, and it was in the breath of the Almighty. He knew what would come from within the waters, and He knew the end from the beginning.

The Hebrew word for hover is rachaph and it means movement, it is active, and purposeful. This word is used in scripture for His incredible moments of creation and redemption. He hovered there in expectancy of what was about to be birthed. He did not hover there in stagnation or uncertainty. He knew what was coming next and was excited to see it. I think in this moment He was taking great joy and delight in expectation of what was about to be witnessed before time.

And then…..

And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.Genesis 1:3

He breathed and upon His exhale, with His own breath that is, was, and always will be full of life, He spoke into the darkness, over the deep abyss, over the dark waters and the raging ocean, He spoke His word. The words that ushered in a new beginning. The words that began it allthe light that began to illuminate and dissipate the darkness. His word that changed everythingand what was birthed was what had never been before. From there His word continued to change and shape, grow, and increase as He infused everything and every part with Himself.

Today, be encouraged and rejoice. Have excitement and anticipation. I promise you, our Father who sits upon the throne of our hearts in excited and full of great expectation and anticipation for the next. Set your mind and heart upon Him. Meditate, and keep moving. The light HAS come and waters are breaking open wide.