Golden Measuring Rod
December 4, 2022 12:00 AM
“The angel who spoke to me had a golden measuring rod with which to measure the city and its foundation stones and wall.” Revelation 21:15As we continue our study and learning of The Mountain, The Valley, The Desert, and The Wilderness at The Rock I considered the ways a rod or a staff is used in these various locations. The Hebrew word is Mattehwhich translates to branch, rod, or staff. It is used as a tool in the natural to help and assist, and by the spirit it represents authority in the hands of the one who holds it. It is also used for measurement and can mark a standard. This past week the scripture above caught my attention. The measurement was to be taken with a “golden measuring rod.” Why gold? Why was it important to mention it was a golden measuring rod? It is important to pay attention to details. Gold has been a sought-after precious metal throughout the ages. It is considered a standard and its uses are widespread. This valuable element is known for its beauty when purified, a conductor of electricity and heat, it is reflective, and malleable. These are the reasons why it was gold. The angel with the golden measuring rod came to measure with what was purified, what was reflective and malleable. He came to measure with what was pure, this was the standard. He came to measure with what was reflective because what is on earth should be a reflection of what is in heaven. He came to measure with what was malleable or pliable to see if what was being measured was fluid and flexible and fashioned in the image of Christ. I ask you to look within today and ask these questions….. are you being fluid and flexible, pliable to the Father’s word? Are your foundations stones laid in Christ? Are your walls and gates aligned with the plumb line? If you answer yes you are set to be a not only a reflection of heaven in the earth, but you are of the same substance- purified and a standard. If your answer is no, hear His voice today. Do not beat yourself up or sink into shame. There is no time for that. Rather set your eyes on the Father, behold and become. Shake off the dust from the former things and step into a new thing.
“Do not remember the former things, or ponder the things of the past. Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing, now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even put a road in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:18-19