Formed by Yahweh

October 7, 2023 12:00 AM

My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. James 1:19

I read a great social media post recently from Ian Simpkins. It said that some are more influenced by news outlets than God’s word. He went on to say that “people are more than feeds, hashtags, parties, or camps. We must do the hard, sacred, grace-driven work of seeing the image of God in others before we see anything else.”

Steve has been guiding us on talking with Yahweh throughout our days, and listening is an important part of that communication. As our relationship with Yahweh matures through conversing with Him, may that extend to how we see and hear others. I don’t want to miss Yahweh in someone because I’ve gotten caught up in a snap judgment based on their online presence or a difficult interaction.

Let us be people who are formed by what Yahweh is saying over anything else. Let the fruit of our talking with Him shape how we listen and understand others. As you go through your day today, be a generous listener! Be perceptive and curious about seeing and hearing Yahweh. He is in you, and He is in others! Let’s demonstrate Him together.