Fix Your Gaze
July 17, 2022 12:00 AM
Every day we are given the present moment which then leads to what happens next. The choice we make now is important. Each day, each hour, each minute, even down to the seconds we have the ability to make choices to be aligned with the mind of Christ and will of the Father in that very instant. Yahweh beautifully designed time to serve us in this manner when we are aligned with His intent for the moment, and His promises are yes and amen.
How can we be sure we do not miss the moment?
Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you. Proverbs 4:25We keep our eyes forward and focused on Him. When we lock eyes with the Father we see His perspective in each moment and every unique occasion. Be present and be engaged with Holy Ghost. Be productive, and do not be distracted. Keep the truth of our Creator in your heart and the living word of our heavenly Father in your mouth and position ourselves in Christ so that we are surrounded on every side. We keep the gates of our temple (the eyes, ears, mouth, and mind) undefiled by guarding what goes in and out of them, and we maintain clean hands and a pure heart. Rehearse the goodness of the Father and gaze upon Him! A final thought, some versions of the above passage say to “fix your gaze…”, This is interesting verbiage, and abounding in hope. If your gaze is anywhere other than straight before you, fix your gaze, and lock eyes on Him. There is opportunity today. Today, don’t miss the moment. Steady yourself, pay attention, and consider what is before you. Let us not look to the left or the right, let our gaze not be crooked or haphazard, but may it be straight and direct beholding and encountering the wonder and majesty of our God in every moment. There is so much goodness, so much wholeness, and so much wonder in this Day!