Find Space
February 12, 2024 12:00 AM
Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.Psalms 90:12
I recently had an opportunity through work to have an unplugged day away. No social media or screens. No emails, work calls, or family responsibilities. It was time completely to myself, purposed to consider personal and professional things. A weekday that would've been spent in a series of family tasks, work, and many decisions became time to rest and reflect and imagine, with literally no interruption.
What resulted was a powerful healing experience for me. In reflection, I saw that what allowed for that healing was space, time, and intention. It had been there, in the wings, the periphery of my day to day. I thought of Mary and Martha, while Martha was busy with important tasks, it was Mary who chose the better part (Luke 10:42). Dishes need to be done, but there are deeper things that we need to build time for. There are many examples of Christ stepping away on His own. It's important.
There are wonders in any given day, if we were to make room. Sometimes we call for the huge mysteries and miracles, while the better part is right there, "hidden" in plain sight. How many things has Yahweh responded to, but we haven't heard because the phone is ringing, the lists keep growing, or the needs of others take priority? Maybe Yahweh has answered you after all. Maybe your anointing is ready and waiting. I urge you to find some space in your life, away from all the good, daily, patterned, habitual things, so that you can see the fullness in your cup. Maybe you can't do that today, but start thinking about when you can. Maybe it's an intentional hour or a quiet afternoon, but it's there! Find it to hear, see, and pour out.