Embracing Mistakes
Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, "The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him. Lamentations 3:22-24
Every mistake is a learning opportunity and a time for growth. I know for myself, when I make a mistake, I tend to beat myself up over it. First of all, we all make mistakes, both the small ones and sometimes unfortunately even the big ones. It’s time to stop beating ourselves up over them. Embrace and take ownership of the mistake, learn from them, grow, and move on knowing that they happen.
When a mistake happens, it’s important to take a moment and reflect:
- Could I have handled the situation differently?
- Did I need to be more attentive and listen to what was being said instead of listening to quickly respond or react?
- Was an attitude adjustment of the heart needed?
- Could I have been a little bit more gracious?
We can all learn from our mistakes if we are willing to listen. They do not define who nor what you we are in Christ. Yahweh can turn anything into a new beginning, a new opportunity to grow, not only spiritually, but often also in the natural. He is a God of new beginnings and new creations. We need to take time and recognize that it is all part of growing to become the person we were created to be!
New mercies await for you my friend…EVERY MORNING! Every time we make a mistake, we need to stop seeing a mistake as a failure and start embracing them knowing that Yahweh is using them to refine us everyday to be the person that he has created us to be!