Don’t jump ship.. Thrive here!

June 30, 2024 12:00 AM
Psalm 37:18-19 “The Lord knows the days of the blameless, and their heritage will remain forever; they are not put to shame in evil times; in the days of famine they have abundance.”
As we learned this past Sunday, sometimes we find ourselves in what seems like a place of captivity. Now, our first instinct might be to escape as quickly as we can from this place. However, this is precisely when Yahweh wants us to dig our feet into the dirt, put our roots down, and began to thrive there. Your mind may be screaming at you, “abandon ship!” But your spirit can be at complete peace knowing you are right where you were meant to be. Also, this is not a game of survival or “just getting by.” You are meant to build here! You are meant to grow, not only yourself but your environment. If you prosper, so will everything around you. Start your day by “digging in” and begin to build in the place Yahweh has brought you to. It may be uncomfortable, and you may want to get out. Don’t jump ship! Thrive in the difficult place and be a testimony to those around you.