Christ’s Truth

December 30, 2023 12:00 AM
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.
3 John 1:4
Take a moment and imagine a child that you love. Think about the little features, the cute voice, and all of the potential. What do you see in that child? What is your voice like to him? What do you say when she is hurting? When he needs encouragement? When she needs grace?
I was thinking how we access a place of generous truth about the ones we love. In children, we can see their innocence and goodness when they have doubts about themselves. When they are excited about something, we are enthusiastic too. When they want to dismiss their abilities, or struggle with self-image, we can see through their confusion to the truth of who they are and shore them up. And then I wondered if we are faithful to see the same in ourselves.
Today, look inward, with the most gentle and honest perspective. When Christ redeems, He sees from that most pure perspective. Be IN Christ today, and see yourself in the way that He sees you. Practice this by remembering how you see that child you love. You see that little one's heart, and Christ sees yours. Speak to yourself with kindness, truth, and love today. Let Christ's truth about you reign.