But God

June 5, 2024 12:00 AM

“And immediately something like scales fell from his eyes, and he regained his sight. Then he rose and was baptized;” Acts 9:18

This verse is part of the account of the Apostle Paul. Paul, even before his conversion, was a man of higher education. He was intelligent and educated in the Hebrew teachings of the First Testament. His “old self” was a persecutor of believers, even unto death. He hated Christians (followers of Christ) and approved of imprisoning and killing believers who belonged to the Way (those who believe that Christ was the son of God,and died and was resurrected.)

On the Road to Damascus, he was forever changed. Blinded for three days by a sudden bright and radiant light, it was a face to face encounter with Christ, and then he could see absolutely nothing.

But God.

He was shown the awesome and mighty power of Yahshua the Christ whom he persecuted, and then was shown the glorious grace and miraculous power of healing and change. The Father in His unwavering love for Paul sent a man, Ananias, to assist in helping Paul so that he could begin a journey that he was created for and was the Father’s intent from the beginning. Ananias put his hands on Paul, and the scales fell from his eyes. They were scales that had clouded his vision, warped his thoughts, and skewed his discernment. He could neither judge accurately, nor measure accordingly.

But God.

When the Father does a thing, He does it completely, leaving nothing undone. Paul’s reputation preceded him. Even Ananias was afraid to go to him for fear of what he may do. Paul was feared and rightfully so. He was known for his deeds. No one, but Yahweh God, could have brought such a complete turn-around. The Father not only changed his perspectives but changed him down to his very DNA and it was so abrupt, and complete, and miraculous that it shocked even those who did not know him, and it was his very testimony that played a part in the spread of the gospel. The trajectory of Paul’s life was forever changed and helped grow the kingdom exponentially. I encourage you to read Acts 8-9 today to see who Paul was and how he was not only changed but miraculously and fully transformed.

Wherever you are, and whatever you are doing today allow the Father to do His work in you, whatever it may be. Allow Him to touch your eyes, your ears, your heart and let the scales fall away…. And then rise. Allow Him to work in you unto completion and transform you, renew you, redeem you. His timing is perfect, and He is bringing you to a place of accuracy, truth, and purpose that will advance the Kingdom and bring glory to His name.