
July 6, 2023 8:25 AM
This morning my toddler told me she wanted to hold one of my battery operated candles. Without really thinking, I said, “That’s a no-touch.” She is very obedient, eager to please, so she didn’t question me. As she went back about her business I thought, “Why did I say that’s a no-touch?” The more I considered it, the more I realized I don’t really have a reason other than if she’s holding it, it’s not where it “belongs.” Will a battery operated candle hurt her? No. Can she hurt the candle? No. So, why on earth does it matter if it’s on my coffee table, where it “belongs,” or in her little hands while she plays make-believe with her stuffed animals. This train of thought led me to consider our relationship with Yahweh. How many battery operated candles do we have sitting on the coffee table, where they “belong?” How many times have we told Him, “You can touch everything else, but not that candle.” His disruption would change the way our perfectly organized living room looks, but it wouldn’t hurt us. Sounds like a silly example, but today I encourage you to consider what you have “off limits” and why. I charge you not to give your learned response, but to truly consider your response when He shows up asking to rearrange things in your living space. Have no boundaries and trust that He will not ask to “hold the candle” for no reason.