Be His Representative

May 26, 2023 12:00 AM
“So the woman left her water jar and went away into town and said to the people, ‘Come, see a man who told me all that I ever did. Can this be the Christ?’ They went out of the town and were coming to him.” John 4:28-30 
The meeting Jesus had with the Samaritan woman, or as she is more famously known “the woman at the well,” was truly amazing and provides much insight.  But today we will focus on one specific aspect of this story; the moment when the woman departed from Jesus, and went into her town, broadcasting her encounter with Christ.  The woman left her natural responsibility (the water jar) to fulfill her spiritual calling – to be His representation.  As a promotor serves his client, as a television commercial advocates a product, as a social media post publicizes an agenda, or as a politician promotes a policy, the woman at the well became the representation of Christ to her hometown in Samaria. Put this encounter into context; this woman was shunned by her people (Samaritans) because of poor choices she made; Samaritans and Jews did not like each other, nor were they friendly.  In fact, Samaritans and Jews were adversaries, and would not be caught talking with each other, let alone advertising they had a conversation with one another.  Needless to say, the woman at the well was naturally not the best choice to be a representative for a Jew.  But she was the perfect choice for Christ! In fact, Christ used her, thus changing many lives and impacting a region forever. Christ is not looking for the flawless person or a perfect situation, but for someone willing to hear, willing to obey, and willing to act.  He will use you if you are willing to be His representative. So, as you start your day, do not allow your circumstance to limit your potential for the Kingdom, and do not allow your past to hinder your future. Instead, grab hold of His words, His healing, His redemption, and be His representative to whomever you encounter.