According to His Will and Purpose

November 2, 2022 12:00 AM

“The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the purposes of His heart to all generations. “ Psalm 33:11

I was getting my son ready for the day and told him that Yahweh made him according to His will and purpose. Have you noticed that explaining a big concept to a child brings things back to a simple and pure place and deepens your own understanding?

I told him that Yahweh created him in a way that was by design and that pleased Him. That Yahweh had intention when he chose his features, personality and interests. I told him that Yahweh had purpose in mind for him, that how he would walk out in his days in the earth would show Yahweh’s goodness and power. I told him that together, this means that Yahweh put all of the right things together in his body, mind, emotions and spirit so that he and Yahweh would find joy in one another.

Sometimes we see ourselves age or find our attention on perceived shortcomings. But when we remember that Yahweh made us with confidence – the body we are in, the minds we think with, and the places that our talents and interests draw us to – then we can be refreshed and strengthened, knowing we haven’t missed our best days and that it was Yahweh’s great pleasure to send us, equipped and empowered, to accomplish all He has put in our hearts to do. Strike hands with Heaven today to celebrate His will, His design, and His purpose in you!