A Son's Responsibility

October 12, 2022 12:00 AM

“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15

As Sons of the living God, we ought to take His charges seriously. Yeshua told His disciples, which includes us, to go out into the world and spread His Gospel. The Gospel of Christ was simple; left to our own devices, we will never achieve righteousness. Yeshua was sent to live a blameless life and die on our behalf to be a cleansing sacrifice for our sin. After His death, He rose from the grave and left Death unable to hold us back. All we must do is receive Yeshua’s gift of salvation and accept Him as our Savior and we can join Him in eternal life.

When we have received Christ and become a part of His Kingdom, it is our duty to spread this Gospel to everyone we can. Sharing the Gospel can look very different in each situation. It may be having a conversation with a neighbor and telling the story of Jesus or it may just be setting a good example of what it looks like to live this lifestyle to a coworker in a secular environment. The important thing is that we are always ready to share the Gospel and invite everyone we come in contact with to receive the gift of salvation and to be able to start their new life, living with purpose and freedom from sin.

Today, as you go about your day, be aware of the call Yeshua gave us as Sons and be aware and prepared of those people He set in your path to be introduced to Him and the Gospel He brought.