In Your Circle
May 10, 2024 12:00 AM
1 Corinthians 15:33 (ESV) 33 Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”Have you ever heard that you become like the people you hang out with? Is it safe to say that people are deeply influenced by the actions and words of their close circle of friends and family? We have all witnessed or experienced it sometime in our lives. The young person who hangs out with the “wrong crowd” at school, and before you know it, they are making the same poor decisions. Or maybe you had a person you trusted and believed had your best interests in mind but led you astray to poor choices. Yahweh recognizes the impact others can have on a person. He created us as relational beings, and thus we draw from those we allow into our circle. I personally witnessed this firsthand. I remember playing high school football as a young man and becoming close friends with several of my teammates. As I look back, I can identify their influence on me that led to my makinga variety of choices. Some good and some bad. The point is, Yahweh knows the potential powers others may have in a person. So, He gives instructions on who we allow into our circle and build trust with. Are you drawing from a “well” of bad company? So, as you start the day, consider your circle of influence. Who do you give your ear to? From which “well” do you draw from? Do not freely give your ear to a person just because of their position, status, or title; give your ear to the Holy Spirit. Allow Him to lead you and point to those who He wants to be in your circle.